miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011


Yeah, don´t be surprised, some time ago a friend asked me about my idea to write things on Internet, and I told him the truth, and he added: but when did you start to write??

I couldn´t answer that easy question, I was shocked with that question, I really didn´t remember when I started to write, uffff what a difficult question, I have been checking in my memory and in my memory chest, and I have discovered several things about my past. (Are you ready to listen it???, are you scared??)

First time I decide to write I was 7 years old, ok I didn´t decide nothing, was my teacher, she forced me to prepare something for the magazine in the school, and the worst,HANDWRITTEN, check my first post, I remember now the scene, she said: "you have to finished before you go home", and was the long day in my short life history. Then I had to write some posts more in the school.

After that, I continue my studies in the high school, and there because I met a teacher who was in charged of the High School magazine (the maths teacher, it makes no sense) I started to collaborate with them, just two posts, at least with computer, no handwritten, what a different world, we used some specific software and Microsoft Windows, yeah it was the Windows 3.1, hahhaha, now is like a dinosaur. One article about AIDS and the other one about videogames.

During the university I wrote a lot of things but I just get to appear in the magazine when I  awarded prize from Bancaja for my Coursework project, furthermore was my first book.

And when I started to work I had to prepare some articles for the magazine that our company published every month (20.000 readers per month), I had to write about my area, taxes and economy.  And at the same time I had to speak on the radio, different radio stations. Can you imagine??, is true!!! Ey, ey, ey, one moment, when I was in the high school I had to go to Radio Nacional de España because we awarded the European Comission prize against racism, that was my first time in a Radio Station. Next step TV show :P

Nowadays I´m not writing in any magazine but I feel the society needs me, needs my articles,  and here I am, since 2010 with www.richardviajero.blogspot.com for different reasons, to be informed, to laugh with me or  ..... at me. Have fun my friends.

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