domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011


Are you thinking to produce your goods in China??? You are just 30 years late, but you can try it "kamikaze manager".

Why am I thinking  about that today??? I have discovered recently a documentary about what is happening in the globalized world nowadays, China is now the second Economy in the world after the all-powerful USA and before Japan in 2010, and that is because they are in every place in the world; in the documentary I post down you can watch how are they acting in Africa, South America or North America (I can´t understand why BBC is not talking about what is happening in Europe with chinese people, chinese investors.... in Spain they recently said that are going to buy debt to stabilize our Economy that is not going well in the international markets).

Maybe BBC are really frightened about what is happening, or maybe ......................  the chinese government is beyond this documentary :s, if the reader think I´m crazy thinking the second option, I tell you are completely wrong; I had the chance to meet a chinese guy in US who explained me that he was the member of a team that the government sent to analyze if the chinese population was using the tradicional medicine, they were visiting all the districts called China Town in US and getting information to report the Party. And in cities like NY or Boston they manage the low-cost travel agency (a new concept I´m sure is arriving soon to Europe too). That is how it works.

China is as I said before, the second Economy in "the new world order" in 2010, but in 2011 it could be the first one; when I finish the documentary I shouted "they  are coooooooming" like the child in Poltergeist.

In the picture you can see one of this chinese who are coming, WTF?????, there are two!!! :P

First part

Second part

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011


...if some things are not changing.

The Oscar ceremony is approaching and now is a good time to speak about that.

I have travelled to several countries and Spain is the only country I have met where you have to watch movies translated to the mother tongue, why not O.V.??? why not in English with subtitles in Spanish??? This is 21st century and I don´t know why politicians never speak about it, do you think they really don´t know that?? or maybe is because there are some dark interests on it??, the reader must choose the good answer :P

I know something about economy, and I know something about how not to waste extra money, and I´m sure is cheaper watch movies in English than translate to Spanish and later send students to other countries to study English with grants. It´s time to change things in Education system, I´m not an expert in this area, but I think  I can make my contribution here, and one of these is about languages, our pending subject.

If there is somebody who can explain me why we have to see foreign movies in Spanish I appreciate your collaboration.

Ooops maybe I must to write this post in Spanish, if not they never understand what I´m saying, hahaha.

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011


Some people is thinking about what is happenning on Internet with Social Networking, but another people is not thinking about it yet.

Now is the moment to be introduced in that new world that is starting, twitter, facebook, linkedin, tuenti ... in very different ways these sites are changing the world, for example: job offers, new business, ideas, ... everything it will be here, don´t forget that new awakening in the arabic world had started by facebook, people are better organized, like consumers, like shareholders, like defenders of some ideas, etc. communication in live in every place in the world BUT not everything is good, not everything is true, too much information, ....("infoxication" is the new concept)

I think we must be in all this new world that´s going to change in short term, but be careful with the information, with what are you writting. There are new opportunities: education for social networks users.

It´s time to learn about that!!!! now is not so late, in a few months I´m sure it will be. Good luck and good night.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011


Pues sí, para mí todo un descubrimiento, mucho había oído de él, pero hasta que uno no consigue ponerse a leer algo de este señor no sabe lo que se pierde, "manual del guerrero de la luz" es algo así como la explicación a por qué vengo actuando como actúo, yo también soy un aprendiz de guerrero de la luz, sin duda, no estaba loco del todo, era eso, estaba actúando como tal de manera inconsciente y, sin duda, aun quedan muchas facetas en las que mejorar para llegar a ser el auténtico guerrero de la luz, tratado de moralidad, guía personal, la llamen como la llamen hay que leerla .... leerla y aplicarla, gracias Paulo!! gracias Dieguito por prestarme el libro!!,%20Paulo%20-%20Manual%20del%20guerrero%20de%20la%20Luz.pdf


Bienvenidos familia, amigos, conocidos y seguro que hasta algún enemigo, Richard Viajero es el blog de alguien que ve la vida como un viaje, donde no se puede elegir el punto de origen, pero sí el destino, las etapas a realizar y los medios para llevarlo a cabo.

El enfoque que le quiero dar a esto es el mío particular, un tanto sarcástico, crítico, ácido y ameno. No se trata de escribir aquí mi vida, el lector merece algo más que todo esto, pero sí cosas que giran alrededor de ella, y que de una forma u otra encaminan o a veces también desencaminan hacia el destino que uno se marca.

He aquí la prueba del délito, yo mismo a punto de iniciar la nueva etapa allá por el año 2010, con lo puesto, poca cosa material y muchas ilusiones; empezamos