miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011


Nowadays we are worried about what is happening in Fukushima and in the entire Japan, the disaster of the devaster Earthquake and posterior tsunami is insignificant comparing with the Nuclear problems in Fukushima. Last news are terrible, higher and higher radiation level, nuclear meltdown, radioactive water dumped in the Ocean...

Nuclear power is a theme highly controversial, furthermore after watch the documentary "into eternity" is telling us, nuclear waste is still working for 100.000 years, that´s why every country is building a repository where to deposit all them. The documentary is about the one who is under construction now in Finland, 500 meters under the ground, in a special area, closed to everybody... can somebody ensure that??? In a long term period maybe an earthquake like in Japan can damage the repository, or maybe somebody can open the door, or maybe it could appear water inside, who can tell us that any powerful man who run amoke won´t try in the future to destroy one of this repositories (in a war between 2 countries for instance)???

A nuclear plant is working for 50 years, but the waste they produce is with us for 100.000 years, as in the documentary says, if the growing population forecast for China and India becomes true we need 3 new nuclear plants every day.

The energy are a problem now but could be a biggest problem in the future, we need for everything, every day the oil is rising the price, the electricity, the coal, the gas... problems like in Libya are working in this way. It´s time to stop and think politicians, first think in Hiroshima, Chernobil, Fukushima ... now please think in the future problems (for the environment, for the entire humanity).

My recomendation:
1- watch the documentary
2- analyze your feelings after the 1st step
3- do you think we can afford that?

I can see now the documentary point. But if you have another viewpoint I appreciate you share your opinion with us (invitation :P).

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