Unfortunately when I was a child I wasn´t a good player in any sports, I must not have been the best soccer player ever and I must not be the best soccer player this season.
I think that if you are a SuperTory and you can run a marathon every days since you are 16 is because there is something special in your body even in your mind (or because you are very hungry :P), for the rest of humanity we have to work hardly to get small improvements, you have to train a lot of time and that´s what I did, I´m sure when I was a child and I wasn´t one of the best players I could have decided to forget about sports in general, BUT what I did was different, is up to you, but my decision was to go on and find my place, and I started to try as a goalkeeper in the soccer team, after that I was the goalkeeper in the handball team, I started with swimming and in last two I have mentioned above, somebody asked me to participate in another level of competition, not just in school. I refused that for different reasons.
(here you can see SuperTory running to MIT for free chickenwings every monday, and the red cups running away from MIT before SuperTory is coming ;))
I started to know about an ability that is called to be consistent, nobody explain me that but when the harder I work the more I have of it. (Thomas Jefferson). And that is what I have been doing next years so far, I have been running in several competitions, I started with snowboarding, later rollerblading, recently beach volleyball ... and the same in my studies (dont´forget about my Bancaja award for Course work project in 2004), in my jobs, in my private life. If you fell down 7 times you pick yourself up 8 times, restart stronger than before, faster than before. That´s the only way.
I feel good when I do sports, ok is true, after having a shower I feel better, I have learned many different traits from them, not just to be consistent, team player, result oriented, managing people, managing time... all this things that are so needed in business nowadays you find in sports, you can learn almost for free and during all your life enjoying at the same time. You must do sports because of your health and because of your mind, "Mens sana in corpore sano".
But there were more sports since 20/09/1980: basketball, some martial arts,ciclying... That was in the past, I don´t know about my future, I don´t want to start high- risk sports (not bungee jumping Gethin thank you :s), I just want to enjoy in my free time and learn, learn how to be a better person and a better manager.
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011
Yeah, don´t be surprised, some time ago a friend asked me about my idea to write things on Internet, and I told him the truth, and he added: but when did you start to write??
I couldn´t answer that easy question, I was shocked with that question, I really didn´t remember when I started to write, uffff what a difficult question, I have been checking in my memory and in my memory chest, and I have discovered several things about my past. (Are you ready to listen it???, are you scared??)
First time I decide to write I was 7 years old, ok I didn´t decide nothing, was my teacher, she forced me to prepare something for the magazine in the school, and the worst,HANDWRITTEN, check my first post, I remember now the scene, she said: "you have to finished before you go home", and was the long day in my short life history. Then I had to write some posts more in the school.
After that, I continue my studies in the high school, and there because I met a teacher who was in charged of the High School magazine (the maths teacher, it makes no sense) I started to collaborate with them, just two posts, at least with computer, no handwritten, what a different world, we used some specific software and Microsoft Windows, yeah it was the Windows 3.1, hahhaha, now is like a dinosaur. One article about AIDS and the other one about videogames.
And when I started to work I had to prepare some articles for the magazine that our company published every month (20.000 readers per month), I had to write about my area, taxes and economy. And at the same time I had to speak on the radio, different radio stations. Can you imagine??, is true!!! Ey, ey, ey, one moment, when I was in the high school I had to go to Radio Nacional de España because we awarded the European Comission prize against racism, that was my first time in a Radio Station. Next step TV show :P
Nowadays I´m not writing in any magazine but I feel the society needs me, needs my articles, and here I am, since 2010 with www.richardviajero.blogspot.com for different reasons, to be informed, to laugh with me or ..... at me. Have fun my friends.
I couldn´t answer that easy question, I was shocked with that question, I really didn´t remember when I started to write, uffff what a difficult question, I have been checking in my memory and in my memory chest, and I have discovered several things about my past. (Are you ready to listen it???, are you scared??)
First time I decide to write I was 7 years old, ok I didn´t decide nothing, was my teacher, she forced me to prepare something for the magazine in the school, and the worst,HANDWRITTEN, check my first post, I remember now the scene, she said: "you have to finished before you go home", and was the long day in my short life history. Then I had to write some posts more in the school.
After that, I continue my studies in the high school, and there because I met a teacher who was in charged of the High School magazine (the maths teacher, it makes no sense) I started to collaborate with them, just two posts, at least with computer, no handwritten, what a different world, we used some specific software and Microsoft Windows, yeah it was the Windows 3.1, hahhaha, now is like a dinosaur. One article about AIDS and the other one about videogames.
During the university I wrote a lot of things but I just get to appear in the magazine when I awarded prize from Bancaja for my Coursework project, furthermore was my first book.
And when I started to work I had to prepare some articles for the magazine that our company published every month (20.000 readers per month), I had to write about my area, taxes and economy. And at the same time I had to speak on the radio, different radio stations. Can you imagine??, is true!!! Ey, ey, ey, one moment, when I was in the high school I had to go to Radio Nacional de España because we awarded the European Comission prize against racism, that was my first time in a Radio Station. Next step TV show :P
Nowadays I´m not writing in any magazine but I feel the society needs me, needs my articles, and here I am, since 2010 with www.richardviajero.blogspot.com for different reasons, to be informed, to laugh with me or ..... at me. Have fun my friends.
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011
Lo mejor como dice D. Antonio Cancelo (Ex-presidente de Corporación Mondragón), "lo mejor de las vivencias es la reflexión, es donde se aprende", y a partir de aquí mis reflexiones. Reflexiones sobre el Congreso Internacional de Management de ESERP Business School.
Empezaré por la ponencia sobre las personas discapacitadas y la empresa, una sola realidad. Mucha RSC como imagen, de cara a la galería, pero.... ¿¿¿y qué hay de cierto???, seguimos y seguiremos sin valores, sin buscar la integración de este colectivo ni nada de nada; en este mismo congreso se escucha al sistema bancario echándole la culpa al gobierno de la crisis por no regular, toma ya, no son capaces ni de asumir sus errores, y siguen protestando por los nuevos requisitos de solvencia, ¿a qué jugamos? ¿a hazlo mal que ya viene papá Estado a salvarnos? Señores el PCfútbol y el Monopoly pasaron a la historia, esto es de verdad, se juega con empleos (con no empleos), ahora con la inversión (con la no inversión porque los bancos no sueltan un duro)... y así mal vamos, el sistema adolecía ya de los defectos estructurales que conocemos, el sistema educativo, la no diversificación sectorial, las diferencias abismales en un reino de taifas y nos toca creer que esto tiene solución.
Pues la tiene, ¿y cómo la tiene?, con el uso de planes estratégicos, en definitiva estrategias, estrategias son las que usan las marcas de coches de lujo para posicionarse, en estos momentos a segmentos de menor coste, véanse los movimientos de Porsche, Ferrari, Bentley...
Estrategias es lo que nos hace falta, y estrategas, pon un consultor en la vida decía el ponente, pon gente cualificada diría yo, con conocimientos-experiencia, con valores, algo de ética quizá (intentaré no ser muy sarcástico, pero es defecto de fábrica ya aviso)
Tiene sentido en el reino de taifas lo que está ocurriendo??? Ahora una consulta soberanista, ¿cuánto ha costado esto en tiempo y dinero?, ¿y el escribir en dos lenguas los impresos oficiales? (por qué no se hace cada mes en una lengua y a pesar de que se usaría el mismo papel no usamos el doble de tinta, ni el doble de veces las impresoras??, no sé, es una idea), o qué un empresario se traslade de una CCAA a otra por qué le supones pagar un 4% menos en renta, o que las CCAA, o el Estado se lleven toda la liquidez del mercado y mientras las empresas secas, secas de cash.... y bla bla bla.
Olé por los empresarios que se atreven a acometer nuevos proyectos, contando con lo nuestro, nuestra tierra, nuestro trabajo y nuestro capital (mira tú!! si son los factores productivos), porque para ellos más allá de la rentabilidad está la coherencia, la RSC, la renuncia a la avaricia desmesurada en pro del win to win para con la sociedad, y ojo lo más importante, teniendo todos los aspectos en contra, desde las nada halagüeñas perspectivas, hasta la inseguridad política.
Olé por los desempleados que cada día salen a ofrecerse, no a mendigar trabajo, a formarse, a compartir ideas, por los que hacen crítica constructiva, por los que se hacen escuchar.
Olé por esa actitud de unos y otros porque esta, esta sí es la actitud ganadora. El resto que aprendan.
Y ahora sí, termino, como empecé, "señores de la crisis no nos saca nadie, ni los políticos ni nadie, nos sacamos cada uno" (D. Antonio Cancelo)
Pues la tiene, ¿y cómo la tiene?, con el uso de planes estratégicos, en definitiva estrategias, estrategias son las que usan las marcas de coches de lujo para posicionarse, en estos momentos a segmentos de menor coste, véanse los movimientos de Porsche, Ferrari, Bentley...
Estrategias es lo que nos hace falta, y estrategas, pon un consultor en la vida decía el ponente, pon gente cualificada diría yo, con conocimientos-experiencia, con valores, algo de ética quizá (intentaré no ser muy sarcástico, pero es defecto de fábrica ya aviso)
Tiene sentido en el reino de taifas lo que está ocurriendo??? Ahora una consulta soberanista, ¿cuánto ha costado esto en tiempo y dinero?, ¿y el escribir en dos lenguas los impresos oficiales? (por qué no se hace cada mes en una lengua y a pesar de que se usaría el mismo papel no usamos el doble de tinta, ni el doble de veces las impresoras??, no sé, es una idea), o qué un empresario se traslade de una CCAA a otra por qué le supones pagar un 4% menos en renta, o que las CCAA, o el Estado se lleven toda la liquidez del mercado y mientras las empresas secas, secas de cash.... y bla bla bla.
Olé por los empresarios que se atreven a acometer nuevos proyectos, contando con lo nuestro, nuestra tierra, nuestro trabajo y nuestro capital (mira tú!! si son los factores productivos), porque para ellos más allá de la rentabilidad está la coherencia, la RSC, la renuncia a la avaricia desmesurada en pro del win to win para con la sociedad, y ojo lo más importante, teniendo todos los aspectos en contra, desde las nada halagüeñas perspectivas, hasta la inseguridad política.
Olé por los desempleados que cada día salen a ofrecerse, no a mendigar trabajo, a formarse, a compartir ideas, por los que hacen crítica constructiva, por los que se hacen escuchar.
Olé por esa actitud de unos y otros porque esta, esta sí es la actitud ganadora. El resto que aprendan.
Y ahora sí, termino, como empecé, "señores de la crisis no nos saca nadie, ni los políticos ni nadie, nos sacamos cada uno" (D. Antonio Cancelo)
Nowadays we are worried about what is happening in Fukushima and in the entire Japan, the disaster of the devaster Earthquake and posterior tsunami is insignificant comparing with the Nuclear problems in Fukushima. Last news are terrible, higher and higher radiation level, nuclear meltdown, radioactive water dumped in the Ocean...
Nuclear power is a theme highly controversial, furthermore after watch the documentary "into eternity" is telling us, nuclear waste is still working for 100.000 years, that´s why every country is building a repository where to deposit all them. The documentary is about the one who is under construction now in Finland, 500 meters under the ground, in a special area, closed to everybody... can somebody ensure that??? In a long term period maybe an earthquake like in Japan can damage the repository, or maybe somebody can open the door, or maybe it could appear water inside, who can tell us that any powerful man who run amoke won´t try in the future to destroy one of this repositories (in a war between 2 countries for instance)???
A nuclear plant is working for 50 years, but the waste they produce is with us for 100.000 years, as in the documentary says, if the growing population forecast for China and India becomes true we need 3 new nuclear plants every day.
The energy are a problem now but could be a biggest problem in the future, we need for everything, every day the oil is rising the price, the electricity, the coal, the gas... problems like in Libya are working in this way. It´s time to stop and think politicians, first think in Hiroshima, Chernobil, Fukushima ... now please think in the future problems (for the environment, for the entire humanity).
My recomendation:
1- watch the documentary
2- analyze your feelings after the 1st step
3- do you think we can afford that?
I can see now the documentary point. But if you have another viewpoint I appreciate you share your opinion with us (invitation :P).
Nuclear power is a theme highly controversial, furthermore after watch the documentary "into eternity" is telling us, nuclear waste is still working for 100.000 years, that´s why every country is building a repository where to deposit all them. The documentary is about the one who is under construction now in Finland, 500 meters under the ground, in a special area, closed to everybody... can somebody ensure that??? In a long term period maybe an earthquake like in Japan can damage the repository, or maybe somebody can open the door, or maybe it could appear water inside, who can tell us that any powerful man who run amoke won´t try in the future to destroy one of this repositories (in a war between 2 countries for instance)???
A nuclear plant is working for 50 years, but the waste they produce is with us for 100.000 years, as in the documentary says, if the growing population forecast for China and India becomes true we need 3 new nuclear plants every day.
The energy are a problem now but could be a biggest problem in the future, we need for everything, every day the oil is rising the price, the electricity, the coal, the gas... problems like in Libya are working in this way. It´s time to stop and think politicians, first think in Hiroshima, Chernobil, Fukushima ... now please think in the future problems (for the environment, for the entire humanity).
My recomendation:
1- watch the documentary
2- analyze your feelings after the 1st step
3- do you think we can afford that?
I can see now the documentary point. But if you have another viewpoint I appreciate you share your opinion with us (invitation :P).
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