domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

A las montañas mis valientes

доброе утро, quién lo iba a decir yo hablando ruso, bueno de momento entiendo el cirílico y soy capaz de leerlo, algo de vocabulario sé, femeninos, plurales.... pero de ahí a hablarlo aún queda un trecho, y todo gracias  a Вика, mi учитель.

Pues sí, si en verano hablábamos de la playa ahora toca hablar de la montaña, y es que entre que se desconecta bastante de la rutina y de la contaminación, te permite hacer ejercicio y vida sana, disfrutar de lindas (palabra 100% influencia de los argentinos que conozco)  panóramicas y además resulta bastante más económico que otros planes .... pues eso, que nos hemos aficionado a hacer de domingueros en las montañas. Sin olvidar que empieza la winter season (=esquiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar) 

Grandes esfuerzos, grandes conversaciones, grandes comidas, grandes fotos, grandes momentos.

Esta vez aplicaré la máxima de una imagen vale más que 1000 palabras (x 7):

Tignes 2011- Alpes

Tartiflettes, fondues et nous

Recién caída

Un pequeño paso para el hombre ...
The beginning

Montserrat (0,1 segundos antes del diluvio)

спасибо и до свидания

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011


Apreciados lectores esta vez voy a hablaros de mi FIBE, First International Business Experience, sí, sí, suena bien eh!! Pues eso q recibí una llamada del súper jefe y me dijo q si tenía algo mejor q hacer un domingo, un lunes y el martes día de mi cumple que estar en Holanda en el headquarter reunido con los auditores de Crowe-Horwath.

Dear readers now I´m going to talk about my FIBE, First International Business Experience, it sounds good!!. So I received a call from my super-boss and he asked me if I have a better plan than to be in The Netherlands for my birthday and two days before (Sunday include) in a meeting with the Crowe- Horwath auditors.

Como era de esperar no iba a decir q no a cualquier cosa q tiene q ver con viajar, además creo recordar q sólo había una respuesta correcta… en fin q me quedé viendo una peli el sábado para ser persona el domingo y no perder el avión. Dos horas y media más tarde allá q aparece RGC en Schiphol Airport, como Paco Martínez Soria cuando sale del pueblo en “abuelo made in Spain”, con su traje y con su maleta de mano totalmente perdido en medio de la inmensidad de tal aeropuerto y empezamos a poner a prueba el nivel de inglés preguntando como llegar al Hilton, sí, sí, al hotel de la Paris y tras indicármelo muy amablemente me dicen q primeramente debo recoger mi equipaje, ay q no, q esto es todo, o es q para ir al Hilton hace falta llevar maletón??, bueno en cualquier caso es tarde, ya no hay vuelta atrás. 

I couldn´t say NO to anything related with a travel, and I think there was just a  right answer I stayed at home on Saturday night watching a movie, because is the only way to arrive on time to my flight on Sunday. Two and a half hour later there is RGC in Schiphol Airport, like Paco Martinez Soria when he left the village in "abuelo made in Spain" with his suit and with his handbag absolutely missed in the immensity of the airport, then I start to test my English asking how to arrive to the Hilton Hotel, oh yeah the Paris´ Hotel and after the guy gave me the right way he asked about my luggage, no man that´s all, maybe I need more for the Hilton Hotel..., anyway is late, there is no turning back.

Con 10 grados por banda, viento en popa y a toda vela llego al hotel, y jo q nivel q hasta la tele se sabe mi nombre!! Una caja de bombones personalizada… me empieza a gustar esto.

With 10 degrees in each side, the wind in the stern and as fast as I can I arrive to my hotel, and even the TV knows my name, awesome!! Chocolate box for me.... I like that.

Llego el primero de todos al hotel, ceno y ante mi aburrimiento pido las claves de la wifi para entrar a Internet, zaaaaaaaaaas en toda la boca, 24 euros la bromita, vale, sí, es el Hilton confirmado.

I´m the first there, I have a dinner and ask for the wifi access, zaaaaaaaaas, 24 €, ok that´s the Hilton.

Aparecen el resto de la expedición y nos vamos a dormir q esperan un par de días duros y además el vuelo ha sido divertídisimo, de hecho el piloto muy gracioso nos dijo señores les damos la bienvenida a port aventura, q cachondo el tío, y el chico q llevaba detrás las 2.5 horas echando todo lo q llevaba dentro.

All the people is coming and we decide sleep, next days will be heavy and the flight was really funny, from the beginning when the captain said welcome to Port-Aventura, so cute, and my neighbor the entire flight throwing up. 

Amanece, desayuno brutal, reunión con unos, con otros y en cuanto terminamos directos al hotel, bañera a tope de agua, pastillita de sales minerales y relaaaaaaaaax, creo q me acostumbraría a este tipo de vida. Megacena espectacular en el restaurante del hotel y a dormir en una cama de 3*3. Ausencia total de chicas, mujeres o similares en un ambiente de negocios.

The day starts, a great breakfast, meetings with everybody and at the end again to the hotel, full bath and relax, I could live like that for a while. Big dinner in the restaurant and zzzzzzzzzzz in a 3*3 bed. No girls, women or similar in a business environment.

Día dos, más reuniones, más inglés, más gente (esta vez viene el jefe de la auditoría para Europa) y más trabajo; cuando terminamos directos al aeropuerto y de vuelta xa casa, sin ver  si Amsterdam  ha cambiado mucho desde q hace 14 años q estuve de intercambio y con 31 años recién horneados en la maleta, eso sí pensando todo en inglés y con la satisfacción del reconocimiento público de un trabajo bien hecho. 

Day two, more meetings, more english, more people (now is the Europe´s head auditor) and of course more tasks; at 4,30 running away to the airport and come back home, seeing nothing in Amsterdam and with 31 years in my handbag, thinking in English and with the satisfaction of hearing the people that was a great job.

Ahora a esperar a la próxima excursión.

Waiting for the next adventure.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011


Con esta agorera frase se me ha presentado un amigo hoy porque encontró la Xampa cerrada, jejeje, chico tranquilo que sólo están de vacaciones,. Cómo??? Que qué es la Xampa?? por favor.... la Xampa o Can Paixano es el primer bar que pisé al llegar a Bcn, es un lugar mágico, lamentablemente no está galardonado con ninguna estrella Michelín pero sí aparece en las mejores guías turísticas.

Lo más característico de este sitio no es la cecina leonesa, ni el pa amb tomaca, ni los espectaculares bocadillos de costilla con camembert, es el cava propio y el ambiente espectacular, de 9 de la mañana a 22.30 entra y sale gente sin parar (normalmente salen, o sea salimos bastante más perjudicados de lo que entramos) y no lo entiendo, por un par de copas de cava.... ;)

Es similar a una escuela de idiomas, en pocas horas eres capaz de hablar cualquier idioma, pq gente hay de todos los países, colores y tamaños y a una mala en inglés que de eso a estas alturas sí sabemos. Cualquier excusa es válida para entablar conversación con desconocidos, bueno mmmm.... desconocidas evidentemente y de aquí han salido grandes conversaciones dignas de ser editadas y publicadas para lectores de todo el mundo, que si los gallos autóctonos de potablava, que si viajes por la Costa Brava, que si oktoberfests.... En definitiva un lugar para desestresarse si se está dispuesto a ganar peso y a sufrir un poco de agobio que el sitio es más bien pequeño.

Pd. todos aquellos que ya me han visitado han tenido que pasar por aquí, y los que vengais a verme, pq parece q mi estancia aquí se va a alargar, haceros a la idea, tengo que Xampizaros.

Pd 2. Tomorrow I´m going to translate into English, of course, for all my foreign friends.

domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

LA BODA DEL AÑO 2011 (con permiso de Javi y Maca)

Hallo, muchas cosas han pasado desde el último post, casi hasta hablo alemán y todo, bueno pues eso que han sido tantas y tantas cosas que no sabía por donde empezar, y como veo que no voy a poder actualizaros de todo pq sigo trabajando (hasta nueva orden), con una vida social más que ajetreada (ya hablaremos tb de esto, bueno, casi q .... no :P) y sin dejar de hacer todo lo que venía haciendo pues solo voy a hacer un pequeño post de lo que sin duda es para mí, el hecho del año, la gran boda, dedicado a dos de mis mejores amigos que justo hace un año, estando yo perdido por el mundo decidieron casarse (aun conservo el mail chicos en el cual me avisabais) y que recientemente por fin lo han materializado, pues como dicen los toreros: Va por ustedes!!

 Ha nevado mucho desde que os conocí a los dos, a D.J. recién llegados al instituto con su mochila militar, ese look tan... tan.... no tranquilos no subiré fotos q salimos perdiendo todos y a M.P. un día de S. Cristóbal mientras hacía yo mis prácticas que nos plantamos en la playa de Denia para els bous a la mar, y como sabeis muchas han sido las batallitas que hemos vivido juntos en todo este tiempo, primero individualmente, que si Albacete, Alfaz del Pi, Estrasburgo, París... y luego ya como pareja, que si La Vega, Cerdeña, Mallorca.... pero los viajes han sido sólo una parte, luego estaba el día a día, que si cervecitas en casa, tertulias hasta las tantas, que si Walk About, la bodegueta .... qué grandes momentos, sí señor, los que he tenido la suerte de compartir con vosotros, y precisamente por eso, por vuestra sencillez, por esa felicidad que irradiabais, por ese bien saber llevar las cosas, por ese camino que habéis ido construyendo peldaño a peldaño, y que de buen seguro vais a seguir construyendo de aquí en adelante. Desearos que sigais siendo tan felices o más que hasta ahora, como os podéis imaginar este es el deseo de todos los que tuvimos la suerte de poder estar en vuestro enlace, que por otro lado fue espectacular, perfecto, desde el discurso de J.A. (con la inestimable ayuda de M.Q.), el vídeo montaje de P.A. o todo lo que allí se movió, que no fue poco. Chicos un 10 para vosotros y otro 10 para el día 8 de julio de 2011. "Pilotitos" os queremos!!!

Pd. he tenido q resistirme para no subir fotos mías, pq mira q estaba guapo yo eh!, jajajjaja, a falta de abuela....

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011



As I had received some constructive criticism from my supporters I have decided to write in both Spanish and English, I think I can do it.

After my 6 years analysis about people who use public transportation I´m able to talk about different kinds of people that you can find in the tube/subway/metro, last weeks going to my new temporary job in Sant Just (close to Barcelona) I conclude I have to tell the world about my discovery. Those are some of them, but I´m sure there are more and more, and some day I will write about all them in "The subway inhabitants II" :P

I have met:
1- The students, always talking, smiling, some times listening music, even singing in the morning, they are completely happy.

2- Employees, usually they take with them a weird backpack just for the tupperware, and the most common aspect: they don´t speak, don´t smile, no music.... maybe they have a book on her hands, a best seller, or some times they read the free newspaper like Metro.

3- Crazy people, I have seen a lot of them, in USA, in London, in Sweden.... and in Spain of course, the most spectacular was a few weeks ago, a girl, young girl who was sitting in front of me, she was like Gothic, you know what I mean, white skin and dark clothes and dark make-up, I wasn´t looking at her until it happened, she shouted the girls sit on my left saying: "you son of a bitch I´m going to kill you", with a fear movie face .... I was terrified, after that she stand up walk 3 meters and sit down again, I thought she knew each other and was a problem between them, but after 2 quite minutes the same story, then I realized she was completely crazy and people from the other part of the train start to run away from her. That´s not the best way to start the week. Damn.

4- Thiefs, here in Barcelona are pickpockets, they never go alone, usually in pairs, use different methods to achieve their goals, even stop the mechanical stairs, try to push you like if it was an accident, ask you something... you recognize them because of their flowerpower shirts and because they never seems tourists despite they use maps.

5- Policemen, is the most difficult specie to recognize, they are like tourists, like students, or even like thieves, you just recognize them when they arrest somebody.

6- Tourists, they are unmistakable, that poker face saying I understand nothing, where am I? it will be the next stop??, use maps, caps, big backpacks, flip flaps with white shocks to just above under their knees. They are awesome. I usually call them Duck mum, because when they get off the train they have behind them all the small ducks, thieves and behind them the policemen. Is funny.

7-Politicians, hahahahaha, you never met one of them in public transportation, NEVER, they say we have to use but... I´m lying, I saw one time one of them, in Valencia, the reason: They inaugurate the subway and was full of journalists, of course.


Pues eso que como hay gente que no pilota mi inglés, igual el bueno sí, aquí suelto lo mismo pero en español:

Decía que tras muchos años de investigación cogiendo metros ya soy capaz de identificar las distintas clases de individuos que habitan el metro, no todos, eso lo dejo para una segunda parte del post en un futuro. Ahora los que he identificado hasta la fecha:

1- Estudiantes, son los más felices, ya de buena mañana van hablando, oyendo música, incluso cantando, llevan esa cara de felicidad....

2- Los currantes, pues esos cara de felicidad como que no, menudas caras de perro llevan algunos, no son capaces de hablar, ni de escuchar la radio, a lo sumo leen un best seller o el periódico gratuito que les han regalado a la entrada.

3- Los locos, de estos los hay en todas las ciudades del mundo mundial, si alguien hubiera patentado esta especie se hubiera forrado, el último incidente un lunes, bonita forma de empezar la semana: una tía aparentemente normal, salvo por el aspecto gótico, sentada en frente mía, de repente empieza a gritar con cara de poseída "hijas de puta os voy a matar" se levanta, anda 3 metros y se sienta como si nada, dos minutos después se repite la historia, la gente del final del vagón empieza a cambiar rápido de zona pq se les aproxima. Afortunadamente llega mi parada y ella no baja.

4- Los carteristas, que majos ellos, son capaces de hacer lo q sea para conseguir su premio, paran la escalera mecánica, te depositan un mapa sobre tu mochila para distraerte, te empujan accidentalmente...

5- Los policías, tb existen y son jodidamente jodidos de identificar, se pueden hacer pasar por turistas, cacos o estudiantes, solo identificables cuando trincan al ladrón.

6- Los turistas, ellos inconfundibles, con su cara de turista, con su gorra, su mapa y por supuesto sus chanclas y calcetines blancos hasta la rodilla, tb llamados como mamá-pato pq lleva a todos los patitos detrás, a los cacos primero y a los polis después.

7- Los políticos, juasjuasjuas, estos NUNCA NUNCA pisan el metro, y mira que insisten en que lo cojamos; miento, un día si vi un político en el metro, en Valencia, inauguraban una línea de metro y claro estaba lleno de periodistas.... cómo no.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011


Pues sí, un poco de cultura general toca ya, y es que cuando te organizas bien el tiempo, el día para mucho, desde las 7.30 que suena el despertador para salir a correr la horita de rigor hasta q se apagan los ojos también tiene cabida la cultura, y a destacar una peli y un libro de reciente descubirmiento.

La peli, en V.O. es "The Town", buena peli de Ben Affleck como atracador de bancos, rodada en Boston, aquella ciudad que me dejó vivir y no sólo vivir entre sus vecinos sino también vivir cantidad de experiencias y ojo: obtener el nivel Advanced II de inglés!!! (ah y yo estuve en el banco atracado en Harvard Square, y en el campo de los Red Sox, q recuerdos, snif snif). En cuanto a la peli, Ben atracador experimentado se enamora de la empleada guapa del banco (Rebecca Hall) y debe llevar la doble vida sin ser descubierto,  seguir atracando bancos/estadios y seguir con la chica, que debe decidir entre traicionarle o no y a partir de aquí que lean los que ya la hayan visto o no vayan a ver la peli pq CUENTO EL FINAL: finalmente la chica que se mueve entre el lado de los buenos y de los malos no lo traiciona y obtiene su recompensa. Fin. 125 minutos de acción, amor de fondo y suspense.

El libro, "Psiquiatras, psicólogos y otros enfermos" de Rodrigo Muñoz Avia, sí señores/as hacía tiempo que no me reía tanto con un libro, y es que si tienes un perro que se llama "sexo", no lo pierdas, o si lo pierdes no vayas gritando su nombre por todo el vecindario, bueno esta es una de tantas anécdotas graciosas del libro, un señor q es tomado por enfermo mental por su cuñado, psiquiatra de hobbie, bueno de profesión supongo y que se ve forzado a visitar a más profesionales del gremio, con peripecias de todos los colores, a ver cual de todas más surrealista, el padre del prota un genio, y el resto de la familia tampoco tiene desperdicio. Recomendado para la gente que le guste reir. El resto por favor que no se acerquen, aquí estaba yo mismo partiéndome de risa ante la atónita mirada del resto de domingueros en la barceloneta. Afortunadamente yo no tengo familiares psiquiatras...

 "Hace tiempo que perdí la fe en los encuentros casuales, y este descubrimiento no hace más que confirmar mi teoría"

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011


There are some special places around the world, but now I´m going to write about my last discovery, Costa Brava (Spain), You must pay attention because next Estrella Damm advertisment is about one of these places, is a rumor, but usually these rumors become true. Don´t forget about the media repercussion of last two in Formentera and Menorca (tonight, tonight, tonight....).

You can always write about the places you visit, you can upload pictures, videos, whatever, but nothing is comparable to live the experience, every music, every word, every feeling, that´s what makes original every travel; and I was very lucky because what I lived last Easter for 4 days it was great, people are 60% in a travel, the place is 40%.

There are several places in all this area, and I´m going to write some of them, as a recommendation, and of course because I dont want to forget the name of any place: Cadaqués, St. Feliu, Empúria Brava, L´Escala, Palamós, Roses, Tossa de Mar (that´s the only village that we couldn´t visit because we were in a traffic jam for almost 2 hours, next time Tossa guys, next time).

That was the first travel to all this area, and the weather was not good as you can see in the pictures but now the summer is coming, my Astra is ready, and I have special booties to enjoy the coves. Something is telling me that this summer is gonna be a good summer!!

 In this post just that, now enjoy the pictures and see how happy are the people there.

PS. I don´t write here about Figueres and Dalí Museum, I think this artist worth a post for himself and I ´m not an expert in this incredible man, just check on Internet if you are interested about Mr. Dalí.

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011


Unfortunately when I was a child I wasn´t a good player in any sports, I must not have been the best soccer player ever and I must not be the best soccer player this season.

I think that if you are a SuperTory and you can run a marathon every days since you are 16 is because there is something special in your body even in your mind (or because you are very hungry :P), for the rest of humanity we have to work hardly to get small improvements, you have to train a lot of time and that´s what I did, I´m sure when I was a child and I wasn´t one of the best players I could have decided to forget about sports in general, BUT what I did was different, is up to you, but my decision was to go on and find my place, and I started to try as a goalkeeper in the soccer team, after that I was the goalkeeper in the handball team, I started with swimming and in last two I have mentioned above, somebody asked me to participate in another level of competition, not just in school. I refused that for different reasons.

 (here you can see SuperTory running to MIT for free chickenwings every monday, and the red cups running away from MIT before SuperTory is coming ;))

I started to know about an ability that is called to be consistent, nobody explain me that but when the harder I work the more I have of it. (Thomas Jefferson). And that is what I have been doing next years so far, I have been running in several competitions, I started with snowboarding, later rollerblading, recently beach volleyball ... and the same in my studies (dont´forget about my Bancaja award for Course work project in 2004), in my jobs, in my private life. If you fell down 7 times you pick yourself up 8 times, restart stronger than before, faster than before. That´s the only way.

I feel good when I do sports, ok is true, after having a shower I feel better, I have learned many different traits from them, not just to be consistent, team player, result oriented, managing people, managing time... all this things that are so needed in business nowadays you find in sports, you can learn almost for free and during all your life enjoying at the same time. You must do sports because of your health and because of your mind, "Mens sana in corpore sano".

But there were more sports since 20/09/1980: basketball, some martial arts,ciclying... That was in the past, I don´t know about my future, I don´t want to start high- risk sports (not bungee jumping Gethin thank you :s), I just want to enjoy in my free time and learn, learn how to be a better person and a better manager.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011


Yeah, don´t be surprised, some time ago a friend asked me about my idea to write things on Internet, and I told him the truth, and he added: but when did you start to write??

I couldn´t answer that easy question, I was shocked with that question, I really didn´t remember when I started to write, uffff what a difficult question, I have been checking in my memory and in my memory chest, and I have discovered several things about my past. (Are you ready to listen it???, are you scared??)

First time I decide to write I was 7 years old, ok I didn´t decide nothing, was my teacher, she forced me to prepare something for the magazine in the school, and the worst,HANDWRITTEN, check my first post, I remember now the scene, she said: "you have to finished before you go home", and was the long day in my short life history. Then I had to write some posts more in the school.

After that, I continue my studies in the high school, and there because I met a teacher who was in charged of the High School magazine (the maths teacher, it makes no sense) I started to collaborate with them, just two posts, at least with computer, no handwritten, what a different world, we used some specific software and Microsoft Windows, yeah it was the Windows 3.1, hahhaha, now is like a dinosaur. One article about AIDS and the other one about videogames.

During the university I wrote a lot of things but I just get to appear in the magazine when I  awarded prize from Bancaja for my Coursework project, furthermore was my first book.

And when I started to work I had to prepare some articles for the magazine that our company published every month (20.000 readers per month), I had to write about my area, taxes and economy.  And at the same time I had to speak on the radio, different radio stations. Can you imagine??, is true!!! Ey, ey, ey, one moment, when I was in the high school I had to go to Radio Nacional de España because we awarded the European Comission prize against racism, that was my first time in a Radio Station. Next step TV show :P

Nowadays I´m not writing in any magazine but I feel the society needs me, needs my articles,  and here I am, since 2010 with for different reasons, to be informed, to laugh with me or  ..... at me. Have fun my friends.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011


Lo mejor como dice D. Antonio Cancelo (Ex-presidente de Corporación Mondragón), "lo mejor de las vivencias es la reflexión, es donde se aprende", y a partir de aquí mis reflexiones. Reflexiones sobre el Congreso Internacional de Management de ESERP Business School.

Empezaré por la ponencia sobre las personas discapacitadas y la empresa, una sola realidad. Mucha RSC como imagen, de cara a la galería, pero.... ¿¿¿y qué hay de cierto???, seguimos y seguiremos sin valores, sin buscar la integración de este colectivo ni nada de nada; en este mismo congreso se escucha al sistema bancario echándole la culpa al gobierno de la crisis por no regular, toma ya, no son capaces ni de asumir sus errores, y siguen protestando por los nuevos requisitos de solvencia, ¿a qué jugamos? ¿a hazlo mal que ya viene papá Estado a salvarnos? Señores el PCfútbol y el Monopoly pasaron a la historia, esto es de verdad, se juega con empleos (con no empleos), ahora con la inversión (con la no inversión porque los bancos no sueltan un duro)... y así mal vamos, el sistema adolecía ya de los defectos estructurales que conocemos, el sistema educativo, la no diversificación sectorial, las diferencias abismales en un reino de taifas y nos toca creer que esto tiene solución.
Pues la tiene, ¿y cómo la tiene?, con el uso de planes estratégicos, en definitiva estrategias, estrategias son las que usan las marcas de coches de lujo para posicionarse, en estos momentos a segmentos de menor coste, véanse los movimientos de Porsche, Ferrari, Bentley...

Estrategias es lo que nos hace falta, y estrategas, pon un consultor en la vida decía el ponente, pon gente cualificada diría yo, con conocimientos-experiencia, con valores, algo de ética quizá (intentaré no ser muy sarcástico, pero es defecto de fábrica ya aviso)

Tiene sentido en el reino de taifas lo que está ocurriendo??? Ahora una consulta soberanista, ¿cuánto ha costado esto en tiempo y dinero?, ¿y el escribir en dos lenguas los impresos oficiales? (por qué no se hace cada mes en una lengua y a pesar de que se usaría el mismo papel no usamos el doble de tinta, ni el doble de veces las impresoras??, no sé, es una idea), o qué un empresario se traslade de una CCAA a otra por qué le supones pagar un 4% menos en renta, o que las CCAA, o el Estado se lleven toda la liquidez del mercado y mientras las empresas secas, secas de cash.... y bla bla bla.

Olé por los empresarios que se atreven  a acometer nuevos proyectos, contando con lo nuestro, nuestra tierra, nuestro trabajo y nuestro capital (mira tú!! si son los factores productivos), porque para ellos más allá de la rentabilidad está la coherencia, la RSC, la renuncia a la avaricia desmesurada en pro del win to win para con la sociedad, y ojo lo más importante, teniendo todos los aspectos en contra, desde las nada halagüeñas perspectivas, hasta la inseguridad política.

Olé por los desempleados que cada día salen a ofrecerse, no a mendigar trabajo, a formarse, a compartir ideas, por los que hacen crítica constructiva, por los que se hacen escuchar.

Olé por esa actitud de unos y otros porque esta, esta sí es la actitud ganadora. El resto que aprendan.

Y ahora sí, termino, como empecé, "señores de la crisis no nos saca nadie, ni los políticos ni nadie, nos sacamos cada uno" (D. Antonio Cancelo)


Nowadays we are worried about what is happening in Fukushima and in the entire Japan, the disaster of the devaster Earthquake and posterior tsunami is insignificant comparing with the Nuclear problems in Fukushima. Last news are terrible, higher and higher radiation level, nuclear meltdown, radioactive water dumped in the Ocean...

Nuclear power is a theme highly controversial, furthermore after watch the documentary "into eternity" is telling us, nuclear waste is still working for 100.000 years, that´s why every country is building a repository where to deposit all them. The documentary is about the one who is under construction now in Finland, 500 meters under the ground, in a special area, closed to everybody... can somebody ensure that??? In a long term period maybe an earthquake like in Japan can damage the repository, or maybe somebody can open the door, or maybe it could appear water inside, who can tell us that any powerful man who run amoke won´t try in the future to destroy one of this repositories (in a war between 2 countries for instance)???

A nuclear plant is working for 50 years, but the waste they produce is with us for 100.000 years, as in the documentary says, if the growing population forecast for China and India becomes true we need 3 new nuclear plants every day.

The energy are a problem now but could be a biggest problem in the future, we need for everything, every day the oil is rising the price, the electricity, the coal, the gas... problems like in Libya are working in this way. It´s time to stop and think politicians, first think in Hiroshima, Chernobil, Fukushima ... now please think in the future problems (for the environment, for the entire humanity).

My recomendation:
1- watch the documentary
2- analyze your feelings after the 1st step
3- do you think we can afford that?

I can see now the documentary point. But if you have another viewpoint I appreciate you share your opinion with us (invitation :P).

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011


Today I´m talking about Economy, my area.

This crisis is not new, it started a few years ago; as the reader knows we are involved in  a big crisis that is producing collapse in companies, people and even countries, like Greece, Ireland, Iceland ... now is easy to understand what had happened with documentaries like "inside job", with a lot of books talking about that, now everybody is an expert in this area, why not before?, why not when the bubble was growing up? maybe is because most of this people were part of the problem and they were in a comfortable situation that didn´t allowed to talk about that, or even to think about that.

That´s not just an economic crisis, is a system crisis, a principles crisis, last week I had a job interview (I´m pretty sure I´m going to write a book about interviews because I´m an authentic expert now ;)) and we were talking about honesty, what is it? is just honest who do what the ethical says, or who do what is good for their company though is lying or cheating??? Here the dilemma, but what is sure is that you can´t be on both sides of the same coin as in the documentary I mentioned before is explained. In US investment banks happened awful things, weird things, bonus, corruption, politicians, swindle...

Now it seems each of us is deeply concerned about what had happened, but in the future is going to happen again (the tulip bubble in Holland happened in 1637 and we learned anything), in fact it had happened recently, in Valencia (Spain) the police have arrested a man who had swindle more than € 300 million in all the world, the pyramidal fraud again, he was a street seller with greed, and people who invest in his company were greed people too, just because he offered rates up to 10% monthly they invested. (

That´s what I mean, we, the society, have to change our way of think, is the only solution. I appreciate two top most widely prestigious business schools are including ethic as something important in the MBA. "There is something are worth fighting for"

If you have time you should watch it, is free, you improve English, you improve Economy knowledge and of course you improve as person.

Just mention that the picture I choose here was the winner in wolrdpressphoto in 2009 (US Economy in Crisis: Following eviction, Detective Robert Kole must ensure residents  have moved out of their home, Cleveland, Ohio, 26 March), I could visit the exhibition in Lisbon (Portugal) and I strongly recommend it if you have the opportunity.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


Yeah, some time ago I promise myself not to fall in love again If I was not completely sure about my partner, bad experience you can think and maybe is true, maybe not.

The point here is that I´m falling in love again, I know she is the right one...why am I certainly sure??  Believe me, you know it, your body, your heart and your brain are in the same direction, not controversial matters, if you are able to be walking hours and hours on the beach, on the road, in the museums .... without talk, just looking each other, just feeling, if you got butterflies in your stomach, like when you were sixteen, if you wake up and think where is she now? what has she been doing? is she allright? is because she´s something important in your life, and you think she will be also in the future.

If you reader had felt something similar anytime, you will understand what I´m talking about, everything remember her, you heard celestial music inside your head.

It was love at first sight, like in the movies; you always dream it would be in this way, just one second to know it, the entirely eternity to enjoy it.

But the most important thing is to receive the same love you give, is a bidirectional relationship and I´m completely sure about that, I love her, Barcelona is her name, and I know, she, Barcelona, loves me too!!

I love BCN!!!!!!!!!!!

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

Natalia Radziejewska (2500 BC-3000 AD)

Here I want to pay tribute to Natalia impossible surname, not because she´s the oldest teacher in the world, is because she give me for free most of the pictures I´m going to use in my blog with her permission, some of them are mine but I´m sure if the reader is surprised with any picture she´s the photographer.

To know something about Natalia I tell you that she´s an American-Polish who is now teaching or trying teach English In Boston, in BAE, before she was an Economy Journalist but she decided her life will be more interesting if she started to be with foreign students. She is always at class with a glass of "dirty water" from Dunkin´ Donuts (I explained you Natalia you are not drinking coffee, just dirty water).

I don´t know when she started to take pictures, I think at the beginning she painted in Altamira´s cave and she was evolving with technologies and she started to use cameras as soon as they appeared. She is faster than John Wayne shooting; if John Wayne need just one second to use the gun Natalia need the same time to make the picture and to print it, incredible; You don´t believe that??? Ask all the students who try to sleep in class, in the time they use to wink they have been photographed and everybody can see them on Facebook.

She asked me to talk about the insane methods she´s using to teach English, noooooooooooooooo, I can´t, I can´t remember how she forced to do all this horrible things at class, I had nightmares for weeks, months and years, why that?????.

 I just want to say Natalia I appreciate the time I was studing English with her and the opportunity to use her pictures in my blog. I appreciate.

That´s not the real truth of Natalia but is the funny one, if you are interested to know more about her or her pictures just visit

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Yeah; I´m not talking about what happened before, if you were fired or your company was in bankrupt, or whatever.

Today we are going to talk about how difficult is to get a job, to get the job that you worth of course, and believe me, unfortunately I know so much about that because I´m like you, I´m unemployed too. I think I´m learning a lot with this situation, I have to react fast, to think, to be alert to any sign, I am learning to fight against the adversity, I am improving my instinct of self-preservation and that´s good for my future as manager, and as person.

The first thing you have to do is to use your network:

1- if you analize is probably that you met some people because of your work experience, is the same in every jobs, people who were suppliers or customers, ex-workmates, people who was in the competence, we call this group people from your WW (WORK WORLD ).

2- use contacts from your college, from your degree, I´m not just talking about your classmates, maybe your teachers, maybe you remember which companies you visited when you were a student, or if any company do a speech to you... we call this group SW (STUDENT WORLD)

3- your family, I know the situation is very bad, but I´m sure somebody in your family is still working!! then talk with them, try in their companies, or ask them which companies they know that could be interesting for you; you could be surprised about how small is the world. Your FW (FAMILY WORLD)

This is the first step for sure, you can combine the 3 kind of contacts, or change the order, all of them can be important.

If no one of those work, like for instance in my case because I´m in a new city, you have a bigger problem, but don´t worry because you have to believe that you are going to find your job, PLEASE BE OPTIMISTIC, READ "EL SECRETO". DREAM IT IT AND BECOMES TRUE.

 If you arrive to that second situation you have to work harder:

1- because is certain that you don´t know which companies are in your area, you have to think, explore, investigate, and lately act, here not change the order because your option will be reduced.

2- you have to build a new network, think how, where and finally do it. Is not easy but is enjoyable.

Don´t forget that you just know all your abilities when you are in an extreme situation, and this is one of them, your head is going to connect all your ideas, now you are a talent, you are a creative, you are smart, and in a few time you are going to achieve your purpose. YOU´LL GET IT!!

I´m sorry but I can´t talk now about what to do in this point because I´m in the same, and a magician should never tell his secrets ;)


domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011


Are you thinking to produce your goods in China??? You are just 30 years late, but you can try it "kamikaze manager".

Why am I thinking  about that today??? I have discovered recently a documentary about what is happening in the globalized world nowadays, China is now the second Economy in the world after the all-powerful USA and before Japan in 2010, and that is because they are in every place in the world; in the documentary I post down you can watch how are they acting in Africa, South America or North America (I can´t understand why BBC is not talking about what is happening in Europe with chinese people, chinese investors.... in Spain they recently said that are going to buy debt to stabilize our Economy that is not going well in the international markets).

Maybe BBC are really frightened about what is happening, or maybe ......................  the chinese government is beyond this documentary :s, if the reader think I´m crazy thinking the second option, I tell you are completely wrong; I had the chance to meet a chinese guy in US who explained me that he was the member of a team that the government sent to analyze if the chinese population was using the tradicional medicine, they were visiting all the districts called China Town in US and getting information to report the Party. And in cities like NY or Boston they manage the low-cost travel agency (a new concept I´m sure is arriving soon to Europe too). That is how it works.

China is as I said before, the second Economy in "the new world order" in 2010, but in 2011 it could be the first one; when I finish the documentary I shouted "they  are coooooooming" like the child in Poltergeist.

In the picture you can see one of this chinese who are coming, WTF?????, there are two!!! :P

First part

Second part

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011


...if some things are not changing.

The Oscar ceremony is approaching and now is a good time to speak about that.

I have travelled to several countries and Spain is the only country I have met where you have to watch movies translated to the mother tongue, why not O.V.??? why not in English with subtitles in Spanish??? This is 21st century and I don´t know why politicians never speak about it, do you think they really don´t know that?? or maybe is because there are some dark interests on it??, the reader must choose the good answer :P

I know something about economy, and I know something about how not to waste extra money, and I´m sure is cheaper watch movies in English than translate to Spanish and later send students to other countries to study English with grants. It´s time to change things in Education system, I´m not an expert in this area, but I think  I can make my contribution here, and one of these is about languages, our pending subject.

If there is somebody who can explain me why we have to see foreign movies in Spanish I appreciate your collaboration.

Ooops maybe I must to write this post in Spanish, if not they never understand what I´m saying, hahaha.

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011


Some people is thinking about what is happenning on Internet with Social Networking, but another people is not thinking about it yet.

Now is the moment to be introduced in that new world that is starting, twitter, facebook, linkedin, tuenti ... in very different ways these sites are changing the world, for example: job offers, new business, ideas, ... everything it will be here, don´t forget that new awakening in the arabic world had started by facebook, people are better organized, like consumers, like shareholders, like defenders of some ideas, etc. communication in live in every place in the world BUT not everything is good, not everything is true, too much information, ....("infoxication" is the new concept)

I think we must be in all this new world that´s going to change in short term, but be careful with the information, with what are you writting. There are new opportunities: education for social networks users.

It´s time to learn about that!!!! now is not so late, in a few months I´m sure it will be. Good luck and good night.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011


Pues sí, para mí todo un descubrimiento, mucho había oído de él, pero hasta que uno no consigue ponerse a leer algo de este señor no sabe lo que se pierde, "manual del guerrero de la luz" es algo así como la explicación a por qué vengo actuando como actúo, yo también soy un aprendiz de guerrero de la luz, sin duda, no estaba loco del todo, era eso, estaba actúando como tal de manera inconsciente y, sin duda, aun quedan muchas facetas en las que mejorar para llegar a ser el auténtico guerrero de la luz, tratado de moralidad, guía personal, la llamen como la llamen hay que leerla .... leerla y aplicarla, gracias Paulo!! gracias Dieguito por prestarme el libro!!,%20Paulo%20-%20Manual%20del%20guerrero%20de%20la%20Luz.pdf


Bienvenidos familia, amigos, conocidos y seguro que hasta algún enemigo, Richard Viajero es el blog de alguien que ve la vida como un viaje, donde no se puede elegir el punto de origen, pero sí el destino, las etapas a realizar y los medios para llevarlo a cabo.

El enfoque que le quiero dar a esto es el mío particular, un tanto sarcástico, crítico, ácido y ameno. No se trata de escribir aquí mi vida, el lector merece algo más que todo esto, pero sí cosas que giran alrededor de ella, y que de una forma u otra encaminan o a veces también desencaminan hacia el destino que uno se marca.

He aquí la prueba del délito, yo mismo a punto de iniciar la nueva etapa allá por el año 2010, con lo puesto, poca cosa material y muchas ilusiones; empezamos