Pues sí, un poco de cultura general toca ya, y es que cuando te organizas bien el tiempo, el día para mucho, desde las 7.30 que suena el despertador para salir a correr la horita de rigor hasta q se apagan los ojos también tiene cabida la cultura, y a destacar una peli y un libro de reciente descubirmiento.
La peli, en V.O. es "The Town", buena peli de Ben Affleck como atracador de bancos, rodada en Boston, aquella ciudad que me dejó vivir y no sólo vivir entre sus vecinos sino también vivir cantidad de experiencias y ojo: obtener el nivel Advanced II de inglés!!! (ah y yo estuve en el banco atracado en Harvard Square, y en el campo de los Red Sox, q recuerdos, snif snif). En cuanto a la peli, Ben atracador experimentado se enamora de la empleada guapa del banco (Rebecca Hall) y debe llevar la doble vida sin ser descubierto, seguir atracando bancos/estadios y seguir con la chica, que debe decidir entre traicionarle o no y a partir de aquí que lean los que ya la hayan visto o no vayan a ver la peli pq CUENTO EL FINAL: finalmente la chica que se mueve entre el lado de los buenos y de los malos no lo traiciona y obtiene su recompensa. Fin. 125 minutos de acción, amor de fondo y suspense.
El libro, "Psiquiatras, psicólogos y otros enfermos" de Rodrigo Muñoz Avia, sí señores/as hacía tiempo que no me reía tanto con un libro, y es que si tienes un perro que se llama "sexo", no lo pierdas, o si lo pierdes no vayas gritando su nombre por todo el vecindario, bueno esta es una de tantas anécdotas graciosas del libro, un señor q es tomado por enfermo mental por su cuñado, psiquiatra de hobbie, bueno de profesión supongo y que se ve forzado a visitar a más profesionales del gremio, con peripecias de todos los colores, a ver cual de todas más surrealista, el padre del prota un genio, y el resto de la familia tampoco tiene desperdicio. Recomendado para la gente que le guste reir. El resto por favor que no se acerquen, aquí estaba yo mismo partiéndome de risa ante la atónita mirada del resto de domingueros en la barceloneta. Afortunadamente yo no tengo familiares psiquiatras...
"Hace tiempo que perdí la fe en los encuentros casuales, y este descubrimiento no hace más que confirmar mi teoría"
viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011
lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011
There are some special places around the world, but now I´m going to write about my last discovery, Costa Brava (Spain), You must pay attention because next Estrella Damm advertisment is about one of these places, is a rumor, but usually these rumors become true. Don´t forget about the media repercussion of last two in Formentera and Menorca (tonight, tonight, tonight....).
You can always write about the places you visit, you can upload pictures, videos, whatever, but nothing is comparable to live the experience, every music, every word, every feeling, that´s what makes original every travel; and I was very lucky because what I lived last Easter for 4 days it was great, people are 60% in a travel, the place is 40%.
There are several places in all this area, and I´m going to write some of them, as a recommendation, and of course because I dont want to forget the name of any place: Cadaqués, St. Feliu, Empúria Brava, L´Escala, Palamós, Roses, Tossa de Mar (that´s the only village that we couldn´t visit because we were in a traffic jam for almost 2 hours, next time Tossa guys, next time).
That was the first travel to all this area, and the weather was not good as you can see in the pictures but now the summer is coming, my Astra is ready, and I have special booties to enjoy the coves. Something is telling me that this summer is gonna be a good summer!!
In this post just that, now enjoy the pictures and see how happy are the people there.

PS. I don´t write here about Figueres and Dalí Museum, I think this artist worth a post for himself and I ´m not an expert in this incredible man, just check on Internet if you are interested about Mr. Dalí.
You can always write about the places you visit, you can upload pictures, videos, whatever, but nothing is comparable to live the experience, every music, every word, every feeling, that´s what makes original every travel; and I was very lucky because what I lived last Easter for 4 days it was great, people are 60% in a travel, the place is 40%.
There are several places in all this area, and I´m going to write some of them, as a recommendation, and of course because I dont want to forget the name of any place: Cadaqués, St. Feliu, Empúria Brava, L´Escala, Palamós, Roses, Tossa de Mar (that´s the only village that we couldn´t visit because we were in a traffic jam for almost 2 hours, next time Tossa guys, next time).
That was the first travel to all this area, and the weather was not good as you can see in the pictures but now the summer is coming, my Astra is ready, and I have special booties to enjoy the coves. Something is telling me that this summer is gonna be a good summer!!
In this post just that, now enjoy the pictures and see how happy are the people there.
PS. I don´t write here about Figueres and Dalí Museum, I think this artist worth a post for himself and I ´m not an expert in this incredible man, just check on Internet if you are interested about Mr. Dalí.
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