Today I´m talking about Economy, my area.
This crisis is not new, it started a few years ago; as the reader knows we are involved in a big crisis that is producing collapse in companies, people and even countries, like Greece, Ireland, Iceland ... now is easy to understand what had happened with documentaries like "inside job", with a lot of books talking about that, now everybody is an expert in this area, why not before?, why not when the bubble was growing up? maybe is because most of this people were part of the problem and they were in a comfortable situation that didn´t allowed to talk about that, or even to think about that.
That´s not just an economic crisis, is a system crisis, a principles crisis, last week I had a job interview (I´m pretty sure I´m going to write a book about interviews because I´m an authentic expert now ;)) and we were talking about honesty, what is it? is just honest who do what the ethical says, or who do what is good for their company though is lying or cheating??? Here the dilemma, but what is sure is that you can´t be on both sides of the same coin as in the documentary I mentioned before is explained. In US investment banks happened awful things, weird things, bonus, corruption, politicians, swindle...
Now it seems each of us is deeply concerned about what had happened, but in the future is going to happen again (the tulip bubble in Holland happened in 1637 and we learned anything), in fact it had happened recently, in Valencia (Spain) the police have arrested a man who had swindle more than € 300 million in all the world, the pyramidal fraud again, he was a street seller with greed, and people who invest in his company were greed people too, just because he offered rates up to 10% monthly they invested. (
That´s what I mean, we, the society, have to change our way of think, is the only solution. I appreciate two top most widely prestigious business schools are including ethic as something important in the MBA. "There is something are worth fighting for"
If you have time you should watch it, is free, you improve English, you improve Economy knowledge and of course you improve as person.
Just mention that the picture I choose here was the winner in wolrdpressphoto in 2009 (US Economy in Crisis: Following eviction, Detective Robert Kole must ensure residents have moved out of their home, Cleveland, Ohio, 26 March), I could visit the exhibition in Lisbon (Portugal) and I strongly recommend it if you have the opportunity.
lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011
martes, 22 de marzo de 2011
Yeah, some time ago I promise myself not to fall in love again If I was not completely sure about my partner, bad experience you can think and maybe is true, maybe not.
The point here is that I´m falling in love again, I know she is the right one...why am I certainly sure?? Believe me, you know it, your body, your heart and your brain are in the same direction, not controversial matters, if you are able to be walking hours and hours on the beach, on the road, in the museums .... without talk, just looking each other, just feeling, if you got butterflies in your stomach, like when you were sixteen, if you wake up and think where is she now? what has she been doing? is she allright? is because she´s something important in your life, and you think she will be also in the future.
If you reader had felt something similar anytime, you will understand what I´m talking about, everything remember her, you heard celestial music inside your head.
It was love at first sight, like in the movies; you always dream it would be in this way, just one second to know it, the entirely eternity to enjoy it.
But the most important thing is to receive the same love you give, is a bidirectional relationship and I´m completely sure about that, I love her, Barcelona is her name, and I know, she, Barcelona, loves me too!!
I love BCN!!!!!!!!!!!
The point here is that I´m falling in love again, I know she is the right one...why am I certainly sure?? Believe me, you know it, your body, your heart and your brain are in the same direction, not controversial matters, if you are able to be walking hours and hours on the beach, on the road, in the museums .... without talk, just looking each other, just feeling, if you got butterflies in your stomach, like when you were sixteen, if you wake up and think where is she now? what has she been doing? is she allright? is because she´s something important in your life, and you think she will be also in the future.
If you reader had felt something similar anytime, you will understand what I´m talking about, everything remember her, you heard celestial music inside your head.
It was love at first sight, like in the movies; you always dream it would be in this way, just one second to know it, the entirely eternity to enjoy it.
But the most important thing is to receive the same love you give, is a bidirectional relationship and I´m completely sure about that, I love her, Barcelona is her name, and I know, she, Barcelona, loves me too!!
I love BCN!!!!!!!!!!!
sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011
Natalia Radziejewska (2500 BC-3000 AD)
Here I want to pay tribute to Natalia impossible surname, not because she´s the oldest teacher in the world, is because she give me for free most of the pictures I´m going to use in my blog with her permission, some of them are mine but I´m sure if the reader is surprised with any picture she´s the photographer.
To know something about Natalia I tell you that she´s an American-Polish who is now teaching or trying teach English In Boston, in BAE, before she was an Economy Journalist but she decided her life will be more interesting if she started to be with foreign students. She is always at class with a glass of "dirty water" from Dunkin´ Donuts (I explained you Natalia you are not drinking coffee, just dirty water).
I don´t know when she started to take pictures, I think at the beginning she painted in Altamira´s cave and she was evolving with technologies and she started to use cameras as soon as they appeared. She is faster than John Wayne shooting; if John Wayne need just one second to use the gun Natalia need the same time to make the picture and to print it, incredible; You don´t believe that??? Ask all the students who try to sleep in class, in the time they use to wink they have been photographed and everybody can see them on Facebook.
She asked me to talk about the insane methods she´s using to teach English, noooooooooooooooo, I can´t, I can´t remember how she forced to do all this horrible things at class, I had nightmares for weeks, months and years, why that?????.
I just want to say Natalia I appreciate the time I was studing English with her and the opportunity to use her pictures in my blog. I appreciate.
That´s not the real truth of Natalia but is the funny one, if you are interested to know more about her or her pictures just visit
To know something about Natalia I tell you that she´s an American-Polish who is now teaching or trying teach English In Boston, in BAE, before she was an Economy Journalist but she decided her life will be more interesting if she started to be with foreign students. She is always at class with a glass of "dirty water" from Dunkin´ Donuts (I explained you Natalia you are not drinking coffee, just dirty water).
I don´t know when she started to take pictures, I think at the beginning she painted in Altamira´s cave and she was evolving with technologies and she started to use cameras as soon as they appeared. She is faster than John Wayne shooting; if John Wayne need just one second to use the gun Natalia need the same time to make the picture and to print it, incredible; You don´t believe that??? Ask all the students who try to sleep in class, in the time they use to wink they have been photographed and everybody can see them on Facebook.
She asked me to talk about the insane methods she´s using to teach English, noooooooooooooooo, I can´t, I can´t remember how she forced to do all this horrible things at class, I had nightmares for weeks, months and years, why that?????.
I just want to say Natalia I appreciate the time I was studing English with her and the opportunity to use her pictures in my blog. I appreciate.
That´s not the real truth of Natalia but is the funny one, if you are interested to know more about her or her pictures just visit
jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011
Today we are going to talk about how difficult is to get a job, to get the job that you worth of course, and believe me, unfortunately I know so much about that because I´m like you, I´m unemployed too. I think I´m learning a lot with this situation, I have to react fast, to think, to be alert to any sign, I am learning to fight against the adversity, I am improving my instinct of self-preservation and that´s good for my future as manager, and as person.
The first thing you have to do is to use your network:
1- if you analize is probably that you met some people because of your work experience, is the same in every jobs, people who were suppliers or customers, ex-workmates, people who was in the competence, we call this group people from your WW (WORK WORLD ).
2- use contacts from your college, from your degree, I´m not just talking about your classmates, maybe your teachers, maybe you remember which companies you visited when you were a student, or if any company do a speech to you... we call this group SW (STUDENT WORLD)
3- your family, I know the situation is very bad, but I´m sure somebody in your family is still working!! then talk with them, try in their companies, or ask them which companies they know that could be interesting for you; you could be surprised about how small is the world. Your FW (FAMILY WORLD)
This is the first step for sure, you can combine the 3 kind of contacts, or change the order, all of them can be important.
If no one of those work, like for instance in my case because I´m in a new city, you have a bigger problem, but don´t worry because you have to believe that you are going to find your job, PLEASE BE OPTIMISTIC, READ "EL SECRETO". DREAM IT IT AND BECOMES TRUE.
If you arrive to that second situation you have to work harder:
1- because is certain that you don´t know which companies are in your area, you have to think, explore, investigate, and lately act, here not change the order because your option will be reduced.
2- you have to build a new network, think how, where and finally do it. Is not easy but is enjoyable.
Don´t forget that you just know all your abilities when you are in an extreme situation, and this is one of them, your head is going to connect all your ideas, now you are a talent, you are a creative, you are smart, and in a few time you are going to achieve your purpose. YOU´LL GET IT!!
I´m sorry but I can´t talk now about what to do in this point because I´m in the same, and a magician should never tell his secrets ;)
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